14 women who live in the slums were given a bag of rice that will last them for about 2 months
1 woman was given the money to buy fruit to sell to support herself and her child
2 children were given the supplies and money needed to go to daycare so their mother would be able to sell water for profit
1 little boy with cerebral palsy was given a refrigerator, lots of food to help him gain weight, and lots of multi-vitamins and diapers. Him and his father have also been able to get National Health Insurance for a whole year – meaning they’ll be able to go to the doctors and have most medicines paid for
1 woman was given the funds to expand her market stand so she could better care for her handicapped grandson
Several children who live at the Night Market - which is a market right on campus - were given school supplies
3 young women were able to return to their hometowns (with babies in tow) to start their own businesses. They were also given baskets of clothing and items such as toothpaste and soap.
1 girl who lived at Street Girls Aid was able to begin her own jewelry business through the purchase of beads, other jewelry materials, and a stand to display her work
2 other girls at Street Girls Aid were given/will continue to be given the funds to work as apprentices at hair salons for 1-3 years until they learn the trade and can work on their own
1 elderly woman who cannot walk was given the funds to be able to receive medical care (which she has not been able to for some time, and has gone blind as a result of not getting the proper care she needs) as well as large quantities of food since she is unable to work
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