Thursday, June 10, 2010

i have learned...

  • It is possible to live for a month without a cell phone (what I did after leaving mine in a taxi by accident)
  • People who live in slums are not just statistics. They are REAL people with emotions, hardships, relationships and love just like you or me
  • The Bible verse that says that when we give to the poor we will be repaid in their thanksgiving and prayers for us is so, so true  
  • It takes work to live simply
  • It is actually possible to live without A/C in a tropical climate
  • Ghanaians, for the most part, have no idea how to read any sort of map
  • Taxi drivers will always tell you they know where you want to go even when many times they have no idea
  • Changing your accent slightly to mimic the local English accent really helps others understand you
  • Although I don't like ignoring people, sometimes it is worth when Ghanaian guys stand off their balconies yelling “I need a white lady to be my wife, will you take my number?” … uh, no.
  • That practically everything can be carried on your head...refrigerators, beds, live chicken coops (I think this will always mystify me), books, baskets of food, etc
  • Ghanaians believe that putting a tiny piece of cloth on a baby’s head will stop them from hiccupping
  • According to Ghanaians, blowing your nose in toilet paper rather than a tissue will worsen your cold
  • Ghanaians LOVE having their pictures taken -- pictures that are printed out are very special because they are expensive
  • Pharmaceuticals come into Africa to test drugs on poor people that have not been FDA-approved without telling them the possible physical effects of such drugs (thank you to my Canadian friends for educating me about this issue)
  • For every $1 in aid a developing country receives, over $25 is spent on debt repayment
  • It can be really hard to be an African-American traveling to Africa...a good place to go to understand this perspective is Maya Angelou’s autobiographies -- the one I read was All God’s Children Need Traveling Shoes
  • Many Africans believe that America is better than China – most who are politically aware realize that both countries are screwing them over, but also think that China is doing it in a really sneaky way whereas America just does it outright
  • The only thing you can’t be late for in Ghana is class (if you’re a student) or a business meeting, everything else is fine
  • I hate bargaining and am horrible at it 

1 comment:

  1. Amanda -

    Pharmaceuticals come into Africa to test drugs on poor people that have not been FDA-approved without telling them the possible physical effects of such drugs (thank you to my Canadian friends for educating me about this issue)

    This HORRIFIES me. I hate that we think that poorer people are expendable, simply because they do not live the way we do. This MUST be stopped. I'm not sure how except through awareness... but I will definitely be spreading the word.
