Thursday, January 7, 2010

leaving soon!

One week from now, I will have spent my first day in Ghana...ahh!! I still haven't fully grasped this idea, probably because I'm not completely sure what to expect. Since everyone keeps asking me similar questions about the trip, I've made a list to make things easy :)

When will you be gone?
January 13th- May 17th

Where are you studying?
I will be at the University of Ghana, Legon campus. It is located on the outskirts of Accra, the capital of Ghana.

Where is Ghana located?
Ghana is in West Africa, between Cote d'Ivoire and Togo, and borders the Gulf of Guinea. Accra is located on the coast.

What are you studying?
I haven't signed up for classes yet, so I'm not sure exactly what classes I will be taking. I do know that I will be taking 4 classes, most of which will be about international development, African culture, poverty, religion, etc.

What language is spoken in Ghana?
Since Ghana was a British colony until 1957, the official language is English. However, the languages of the main ethnic groups are also prominant -- meaning that I will be interested to see how many people really speak English. I'll keep you updated on that :)

Where will you live?
I will be staying in the International Students Hostel, which is a dorm that houses international students. I will most likely have a Ghanaian roommate.

What will you be doing there?
Other than taking classes, I am hoping to travel around Ghana (both to other cities as well as the rural areas) and to surrounding countries (Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso...and the list goes on:) ), get involved on campus, meet new people, explore Accra, volunteer somewhere in the city, and experience life in AFRICA!

What do you want to learn?
I want to know what it is like to live more like the rest of the world does everyday (think: no hot showers, occasional loss of electricity and water, sleeping with a bednet -- although I am lucky to have the money to use one of these, unlike many of those who are impoverished). I want to see slums with my own eyes, to get a very small taste of how people live on less than $1/day. I want to understand a different culture. I want to see a different side of Christianity, to see how the Church in Ghana is different than what I have experienced. And so much more!!

How are you feeling about the trip?
Both excited and nervous! I am nervous because there are so many unknowns. I am also sad to leave my friends and family. But, I am excited to learn new things and have an amazing experience.

How will you keep in touch?
Instead of sending out mass emails, I'll be putting updates on this blog -- so feel free to read what I'm up to whenever you feel like it. I will also be using email and facebook. I probably won't be using skype, because I've been told that it doesn't work in Ghana because the internet there is too slow. Please keep in touch with me! :)

...stay tuned for more!

1 comment:

  1. AMANDA!!! I CANNOT WAIT TO READ MORE OF YOUR BLOGS. i'm in love with you and your love for the world and well.. LIFE!! :) I also cannot wait to see how God uses you over there!! you're going to be such a blessing to the lives that you touch! I know that you were such a blessing in mine. I cannot wait to hear about everything that you're learning and read about what God is teaching you!! I'm praying for you Amanda!! I love you and I cannot wait to see you again!!! :) :)
